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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Poker Rules.

If you've never played poker before or are relatively new to the game, start here. Learn the basics of how to play poker, including the ranks of hands, basic poker terms, etiquette, and betting rules. Master the basics of how to play and deal games such as Texas Hold'em, Omaha, seven-card stud, and five-card draw.

1. Don’t Play Out of Turn

While you may be so excited about how good your hand is you can hardly wait to raise the pot, you have to wait until it's your turn to do so. Same goes for folding hands you can't wait to get away from. If you jump the gun, it gives other players information they shouldn't have before they make their own decision and can confuse the action.

2. Don't Talk About Your Cards While the Hand is Still Going On

Once you've folded, it's tempting to chat about what would have happened if you had stayed in, but if anyone who's still in the hand hears, it'll give them information that they might use to their advantage. For instance, if you had a 7-2 as your pocket cards in Hold'em and the flop comes 7-7-2, if you blurt out that you would have had a full house, everyone will know that it's unlikely that any player still in the hand has the full house, making it hard to bluff and represent that hand.

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